
Minter API contains various native assets and NFT minting, burning and metadata updating modules.

GET api/Minter/{id}

Retrieves the status of a Transaction Reference Number (ID). Returns "Pending" if transaction is unprocessed, "Success" if successfully processed, or "Failed: [error message]" if an error occured while processing your request. Your GET request must contain your Access Id and Transaction Id in the query parameters.

POST api/Minter/{id}

Mints native assets both fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFT) based on the given parameters.

DELETE api/Minter/{id}

Burns native assets both fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFT) based on the given parameters. Your DELETE request must contain your Access Id, Policy Id, Token Symbol, Quantity (Asset Amount) and the NFT flag (0 = false or 1 = true) in the query parameters.


Access API provides client credential verification and generation of a Token Id. A Token has a lifespan of 60 minutes but it can be used by multiple sessions coming from the same IP address which made the initial request. So for example you have a web site with multiple users logged in, instead of each session requesting for an individual Token Id, one session can initially authenticate and request for a Token, then you can save it in your internal database and let all users access the said Token until it expires. This will discard the need to post your Access Id and Private Key in every user session.

GET api/Access/{id}

Retrieves the status of a Token Id. Returns "valid" if Token Id is still valid, but if invalid or expired, it returns the error message. Your GET request must contain your Access Id in the query string (eg. ?accessId=xxxx)

POST api/Access

Generates a Token Id to enable access to other API modules. Send a POST request with your Access Id and Private Key in the form body.